Big Bad Bruce (Jenner)

When my brother and I were little we found a treasure trove of records, 45’s and 78’s which were my mom’s and her brothers when they were younger.  We still had record players back then, in the not so distant past I might add, We had one of the semi-portable ones and would sit in… Read More Big Bad Bruce (Jenner)

Slightly Cracked Observations on…The Elf Shouldn’t be on the Shelf

I am thinking about changing the name of this semi-regular series from Slightly Cracked Observations to something like; The Really Stupid Shit I See, or something similar.  Actually slightly cracked observations is a great name for it because it’s a little more subtle but some days, I could care less about subtlety. Like today.  I… Read More Slightly Cracked Observations on…The Elf Shouldn’t be on the Shelf

Slightly Cracked Observations on…Recording those Precious Moments on Your iPad

I’ve noticed a disturbing trend lately. My youngest kids are still in school, and they participate in school, church and sports events. The kind where parents sit watching their respective children with pride,  either be recognized for an achievement or perform as a collective whole with other children. The kind where parents want to get… Read More Slightly Cracked Observations on…Recording those Precious Moments on Your iPad

Strange Bonds for Social Circles- (I’m not alright)

There seemed, in this place, the normal cliques of society working, only in standards no one normal could possibly recognize. Riley hadn’t quite figured out the hierarchy, having kept to herself as much as possible since arriving.  She studied groups intently however during meals and other chances to be social, to see if she could figure… Read More Strange Bonds for Social Circles- (I’m not alright)