Quick Mental Moment – Black Friday


Think about it ..
Do you think the woman who.pushed her way past, or grabbed to get the last whatever.. yelled at the clerk and laid on tbe horn..knows the real reasons to be there?

Just saying.
To Your Mental.State,
May it be merry and bright..

Want to give a perfect gift of thought provoking Mental Moments, humor and fun?
A Month of Mental.Moments in paperback, Kindle, epub and pdf available exclusively at Redmund Productions at a price that will.improve your Mental State and budget. Give the gift of living in the moment..

Posted from the teeny tiny keyboard of Samsung Galaxy S3.

12 thoughts on “Quick Mental Moment – Black Friday

    1. Take 3 – I was trying to answer in the notification bar and you can’t correct with the spell check thing – sigh.. in a nutshell..it’s stupidity and there is an absolute numbness and lack of connection between the meaning of whatever holiday we subscribe to and this behavior – maybe it has become about the best combat story to get that coveted gift nobody really really needs.. There are some years I am on it about gift giving and have a specific perfect (I think) gift for each person on my list and some years I think – there is nothing that I can get that they would use, love, need or bring them joy and I wonder why in the spirit of giving and receiving we do not give when the spirit moves us..and accept when we are one who has reached a point of having so much, that.nothing was THAT gift..and maybe being able to donate to a charity in someones name and have that be as honored as a gift as the Gameboy (ok so I am totally dating myself and years behind – for illustrative purposes only 😉 ) that the giver pushed some kid out of the way and then grabbed it from another’s hand to get it. when the receiver already has three other ways to play games. My kids get it both ways – I have very little and their father – lavishes them with gifts.. they know both having and not .and breaking one of my “rules” i have shared some of my views with them on Black Friday and why I will not go..even if the crowds were pleasant and the spirit was strong – I would be hesitant because of the crowds and stuff but as it is now.. I can’t ,won;t ,and don;t get it so much. Of course they have the sense at this time to realize that Santa doesnt shop Black Friday and they don;t fret I might not get them something they wanted. 😉 .We decorated yesterday, put up the tree… do you have the same thing there? IOur Thanksgivings are different so I just wondered. Good to see you – hope you are well..I havent been around so much either – trying to get back into it.. Decorating the blogoshere today – and adding a few words lol 🙂 Lizzie

  1. I am giving handmade this year. I have very little and my loved ones do, too. Your post is so appropriate, and your book, which I LOVE is all about tolerance and shines in its beauty toward the humanity in man and women, which is what holidays are meant to be at the core. ❤

  2. I’ll wait a week or two, then try to buy anything I need at a small mom and pop shop.
    But even if I do need to hit a mall, it will be whenever the off hours are.
    Peace is underrated.

    1. Iideally..I pick up gifts ::) here and there over the year..realistically I cant wait til.xmas and end up giving them soon after I find them..or occassionally.ok..more often than not.if ive managed to save it til.xmas I will not.be able.to find it..or I have forgotten all.together..the deadlines of ordeting and tbe sales and then wrapoing organizing and getting it all where it should be..are a added stress and one of the not so good at that marks for me.. the pressure is ginormous..and the fallout from failing to deliver..can be hard to recover from..it changes the feel of the giving ..and then tbe crowds and rudeness suck.tbe life out of me..there is a store here .. mom and olace I frequent for the simple reason…they dont treat me like another number buying useless crap.

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