Flash Fiction – Erratic


Heartbeat, erratic as drops of rain on the windows in the gloomy pre-dawn light, fingers tapping a beat on the blanket, she was unsure if they tried to follow the rain or tripped after her heart. There seemed a pattern, in a second it was gone. Heart made sense, then rain, as the sense melted. One became the other, she was the rain waiting to wash away disorder of mind, and fear from her heart.

Head on over to The M3 Blog and see what Flash Fiction is all about and join in if you think you can weave a tale that captivates and all the other things of fiction in a few short words.

The word is Erratic with a upper limit of 75 and mine comes in right at 75.

Submissions for the Winter 2013 volume are due in by Dec 31.

Flash Fiction Anthologies 1-5 chock full of the talent of the Flash Fiction Authors  are now available at Redmund Productions Bookstore.  Any of them, or the whole set,  would make a great gift for the fiction lover on your list

Redmund Pro Publishing

15 thoughts on “Flash Fiction – Erratic

    1. i know it the pesky rabbits. er raindrops etc I thought it was a 100 words so.. had to cut it.. makes me crazy trying to decide which version is better.. i like them to fall in place and only have to trim a word or two. hurt my brain. and since i did the hundred and have my mental image firmly set i havent a clue if i got the ..story across..at all.. these words aren’t really in my area of …expertise.. lol deranged – erratic, mental..yea a little out of my league 🙂

      1. I liked the feeling that the heartbeat and raindrops seemed out of sinc.

        I know. I have to fight with the words too and this theme is not my forte either but we’re almost at the end. I wonder what the next theme will be.

        I see others shoot for the shortest distance to the end by using less than the limit. I’ve tried using the exact number and it’s h.a.r.d. but hey, what’s wrong with a challenge?

      2. nothing at all – if we don’t challenge ourselves how do we grow – but darn when you think its 100 and you get it just right and have to cut 25 more words.. challenge ? yes I say bring it! oh it has been brought and I just started so I need to catch up .. I haven;t a clue what the next them is..huh..now I am curious 🙂

    1. I tht it was a hundred word so I had to cut a.bunch..im glad you said that..I think.it didnt lose anything when it got 25 words lighter lol.. I hadnt looked at the words yet. For the quarter..til today.. What fun 🙂 lol

  1. I have enjoyed reading this one Lizzie 🙂
    I hope that you have had a lovely Thanksgiving
    my sweet friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx

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