Idiotic Foolishness and Just Some Guy on the Internet

Today’s Music:  Crazy  Alanis Morrisette.  a note on today’s music; no notes today.

Let’s go folks take 567 for Idiotic Foolishness All day Long…

Quiet ..Cue the cheesy music… again annnnd  

I found this on a flask! you have merchandise?  WAIT!!  It’s just Idiotic Foolishness now..

Yea Yea whatever you are just procrastinating

Hey!  I resemble that remark…

And so goes the dialogue – or is it still a monologue when you play the other characters too?

Anyways I will stick with dialogue for now, let’s try to keep this thing going..

So goes the dialogue in my head all day and yesterday and occasionally over the last few months.  The only thing that changes is the number.  Oh and the title a time or five but its close enough.  

Oh yes folks, I have worked on this for months trying to write words worthy of a man who is just some guy on the internet.

I giggle every time I say that about him.  It’s such an understatement.

Well that’s what is funny about it but I am sure those of you who know him or even of him have heard that phrase or something very much like it, straight from him as a way to deflect the enormous amounts of accolades and gratitude and other good things he gets – deservedly too – because it is just what he does and who he is.

It is  his nature.  Remember the Scorpion and the Frog?  Guap is neither.  So enough of that.

It is his birthday today – if anyone missed that part.  I mean this is the first time I have mentioned it but.. I know never assume.  Which is why I just added this little blurb  – today is El Guapo’s birthday and yes I do think he is not  maybe older than me ?  In my head he is anyways – like a big brother, kinda really and not really – (figure that one out 🙂  )

but…  (da da da duuummmmm)   yes folks we all know what that is (if you don’t is the dramatic intro music that usually accompanies something big exciting dramatic important or any synonyms of same… here on Running Naked With Scissors) 

Ode to the King of the Foolishness…

do you think tribute would work better?  tribute to the King..

oh ..never mind.

you can never ode too much.

Ode to ye King of Foolishness, the Great and Benevolent Master of the Poll, RingMaster

of Friday’s Funhouse Circus and Daily DJ …



or as I affectionately call him..Guap, Guapman, the Guapinator,  The Dude (who abides) Captain Authority  and most importantly, my friend.

You may think big deal, how hard can that be?  How sweet of you thanks 🙂  but I assure you I am more than a handful and never a dull moment.

He is unflappable.  No its true. as if being a friend to someone who you never know where they are going to come from on any given day isn;t enough, I have actually put effort into flapping.. he hasn’t budged. Unflappable.

He signed up for Team Lizzie before Team Lizzie was around.

Talked me out of a tree.

Gets me laughing almost always when I am in the dumps

Checks on me when I am down

Checks on me and goes along with my silly ideas when I am up

Helps chase away the midgets

He plays along with all my silly little reindeer games here in blogland without complaint.  Remember the Laundry Soap?

Tolerates Veggie Tales and Monkey tales too

Discusses shoes and other things

Cheers on whatever my endeavors are

Sounding board for crap that bugs me or goes against what I stand for


Masterminded the most Epic Birthday and biggest surprise EVER for my birthday

Lets me flirt with TMWGITU  a little

Gets righteously annoyed maybe even irked when someone hurts me

Helped me pick out  a new computer

Lets me lament the men in my life and laments with me

Advocates for the mentally ill, the underdogs and for all people really.   Except bozos.

I could go on and on, really and I am sure it is no surprise that he is that kind of friend.  I could have come here today and said all the things we all know – he is a great writer, engaging, friendly, funny smart as hell, and gosh darn it…people like him.  You know all that right?

Yea and I wanted you all to know that Guap, Guapman, The Dude, My Friend, is a really great guy beyond the blogosphere, transcends typical anything.  And I wanted him to know that I know all that he has done, being my friend and never once failing me.  He has taught me many things and listened to my many things and never once made me feel foolish or idiotic or different or anything but special and worthy.

SO in honor of the Great One’s Birthday,  because he deserves to have the best day ever, every year – and because I wanted to do something for him equal to the gifts he has given me with his friendship…

I wrote a limerick.

Ok just kidding, for the moment, but I wrote a letter.  I had this big grand plan and it flopped.  I mean it is a grand plan but it requires cooperation from the recipient of the letter and I have not had any.  There is still hope, I am optimistic.  Probably insane but there it is, or isn’t.

grumpy, angry, mad
angry eyebrows at the ignoring party

So I wrote a limerick..  or is it no…  I know a butter canoe would have been cool too but they always melt once you upload them.. not cool.

Never mind.   It can not even come close.  So

El Guapo my friend, never question whether you belong for you not only do belong here you are the leader of this merry band of foolish bloggers.

No Silly there are no additional leader duties – would I do that to you??  Ok ..  Great so let’s have a poll to decide what your new leader name shall be…


orrrr not.  How awkward I could have sworn the poll builder button thingy was over there  – and who do I ask when I don’t know?  Yea so forget the poll but there are plenty of the silly things around

so vote when you find one  – vote early and often but do it before whenever they tell you too.  Just saying.

You are  the best of us all, just some guy on the internet yea you are some guy are effing awesome and so totally rock Dude  – and its true because I read it on the internet and you just did too 😛

Have a wonderful day, enjoy! never mind that one year older crap – it’s for the birds.  Eat lots of cake in moderation, and just have a great birthday.  Here is to many more that we are around to share the celebration and no matter what for the rest of my days, you are and forever shall be,

My Friend.

Happy Birthday Guapman.  Never stop doing what you do.. you will change the world one day – you already have.

(cue exit music – Idiotic Foolishness all day long, boom boom, ain’t it great to be crazy!  🙂   )

baby ducks, three ducks

43 thoughts on “Idiotic Foolishness and Just Some Guy on the Internet

  1. El Guapo,
    I could be wishing you happy birthday in many different languages, each time I stumble upon a celebration post, but I am not a polyglot, just fluent in Frenglish. Therefore English again will have to suffice… Happy birthday, friend.
    Le Clown

  2. And may I meet this masked Guaposphereic man? Will he indeed come to your blog and post after we all wish him the Happiest, most funny and heroic birthday? Lizzie, wonderful tribute to El Guapo, and so happy for you that you have this friend in your life. He’s not just some guy on the internet, we’re all real guys on the internet sitting at home or work or at the bus station of life! Hugs

    1. i think you two were here about the same time – you couldnt have missed him he is the handsome one… 🙂

      and a very good friend who really cares and means what he says – Integrity.. a rock ( I mean that in the good way – solid like a ya know? )
      You will like him.. 🙂

    1. um.. ok. gotcha .. doesnt mean i;ll listen but hey… never a dull moment..:-) that has to be half my charm at least – the unknown lol.. Happy Birthday – have a wonderful day – hope you had 🙂

    1. Linda!!! Mom! there you are.. thank you.. I know we missed yours.. Happy birthday – I am going to make it right :- ) I am so glad you are here.. I will email you. and be over at your place soonly to catch up… I have MISSED you! ❤

      1. I’ve missed you too oh daughter of mine! Oh how busy life gets — even for moms like me who don’t even have any kids at home! Oh I remember the day on the blogosphere when it was just you and me kid! And now look at us! So busy we rarely see each other any more. But no matter how much time goes by I always think of you! 😀

  3. “I could go on and on, really and I am sure it is no surprise that he is that kind of friend. I could have come here today and said all the things we all know – he is a great writer, engaging, friendly, funny smart as hell, and gosh darn it…people like him. You know all that right?

    Yea and I wanted you all to know that Guap, Guapman, The Dude, My Friend, is a really great guy beyond the blogosphere, transcends typical anything. And I wanted him to know that I know all that he has done, being my friend and never once failing me. He has taught me many things and listened to my many things and never once made me feel foolish or idiotic or different or anything but special and worthy.”

    Oh, this really is a lovely tribute, Lizzie. Happy Birthday El Guapo!

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