Flash in the Pan – a Hat Trick

Red is doing a weekly Flash Fiction challenge, Flash in the Pan  over at her place Momma’s Money Matters.   I am as always a little behind so here’s three for one – a hat trick.

Frying Pan
Throw those bad boys in here…

Be sure to check out the Flash in the Pan page at M3 for more prompts, to read others, and to be included in the quarterly publishing…  🙂



No way, she thought as she looked  at the stony faces of her normally gregarious family.  This was their favorite meal and it always took all day to make it.  Not today, but how could they know?

The roast was perfect, the gravy delicious and the vegetables, steamed to perfection.  She  silently admitted  the mashed potatoes left something to be desired, compared to her usual offering prepared with lots of butter and cream.

But they didn’t know they weren’t hers.  She made it look convincing enough with some peels left around and  hid the packaging at the bottom of the bin.

Great Potatoes Hun”  

her husband said, the sarcasm unmistakable.

Cringing,  she felt herself in the company of strangers.  Over mashed potatoes.  She giggled a little.  

Thank you dear.

She beamed at him, thinking  the extra reading time was worth it.

The Prompt is company  and the word limit was 150.  (came in at  144 )



Two men met walking opposite ways

One, Sam Buddy had a dog, LayEd,   Really Ed but Sam said Lay! Ed a lot.  You  know how that goes?.

The other, Evray Boddy, had a goat named  Desire.  I don’t know why.

Sam wanted an animal  to frolic with. Ed was old and tired.

Evray wanted an animal to lay (or is it lie?) at his feet by the fire. Desire didn’t lie. (or is it lay?)

The deal was done and Evray Boddy’s Desire was to go frolic all day with Sam Buddy, so  Evray Boddy  got  LayEd

The prompt is desire and the word limit was 100 – came in at – 98



It seemed a good idea when he thought of it.  Brilliant actually.   He remembered patting himself on the back   Now, he thought he was probably high at the time.  He never would  let it go this far if he was straight.

He walked into their room, sat on the bed and watched her sleep.   So beautiful.  She alone had shown  him what love really meant and he was going to destroy her.

This woman gave her heart,  The Other had put out money.  The wheels were in motion, too late to stop.    He could not do this, but could not help  himself.

He leaned over to kiss her softly and she stirred, reaching to pull him into her.  He choked back a sob he didn;t know was there.   Breathing  in her scent one more time,  he stood and walked out the door.

The prompt is idea  and the word limit was 150 – came in at – 143


6 thoughts on “Flash in the Pan – a Hat Trick

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