Friday Mid-Afternoon or Much Later Mental Moment

We made it through another 5 day stretch of weekdays!

Yup that;s right it is finally Friday

Friday, Thank God it Friday


When I was younger Fridays used to hold not only the relief of knowing that the nest day was a day to sleep in, but the whole day was filled with anticipation for going out with friends that night, maybe a date.

And boy… staying home on a Friday night was not really a good feeling.

Today’s Mental Moment

is just a thought I was thinking.

It was ok if you ever decided you didn;t want to go out, but really didn;t that decision come mostly after there were no offers or possibilities and it was better to convince yourself you chose to stay home.?

I look back now and wonder why it was such a black mark to be at home on a Friday night.  Probably a good thing I don;t remember I guess.

As I grew older the Friday anticipation became a normal level of relief with only a nostalgic wistfulness every other week or so remembering the carefree single days.  I tried to recapture the feeling by going out but I quickly learned it wasn’t really about going out it was about not having obligations, including and most importantly to other people.

If you are a parent or caregiver or significant other and your other half isn’t there, or if they are but you two together are any of the other things, you can go out but it’s never quite the same as those days when you only had to worry about yourself.

And that Friday feeling is still good and still what we wait for but it’s not ever the same as it was back in the day.

A lot of things in life are like that.  Ya know?

TO your Mental State, Whatever it may be,




25 thoughts on “Friday Mid-Afternoon or Much Later Mental Moment

  1. Who needs to go out when we have Twitter Parties to keep us entertained?!?
    My neighbor offered to watch the kids so we could go out and I declined! What the hell is wrong with me?

  2. You have so captured “it” here. I still look forward to Friday evenings, but now it is to grabbing dinner out and then being home with my sweetheart and nothing to do but sip cocktails and catch up on stuff we have DVRd. It is so relaxing after a crazy week.
    Damn I feel old, but I certainly love it!

    1. I felt old when I realized I am fine at home on fridays (usually) or more when I go out..and I just want to go home.. Yea I think its a good transition though. Now,i know how it works kinda. 🙂

    1. I used to work late on fridays then meet two of my gfs and they eorked late too..we would hit the club til 4 am, taco bell on the way home and back around,noon. Unless we got ..separated or ..something. Then taco bell got nixed. But the getting ready and gettinh there.. Catching up on inebration in the parking lot…dancing ourselves silly…. Yea.. They were fun. I always wondered how old (er) folks juzt accepted it. I guess its part of h
      Growing But an easier part. I think it has no bearing on my levels of childish immaturity…

    1. and we don’t always appreciate something to the fullest until its gone.. and we try to get it back and fall short. I don;t even remember exactlt when I stopped wanting it back.. it just snuck up on me. Like wrinkles and gravity and ..yeah sigh..

  3. Many years ago, when I was much younger and I am fairly certain much dumber I bartended. Never wondered where I would be on Friday night, indeed always knew exactly where I would be, it wasn’t pretty.

  4. I have worked on Friday nights for as long as I can remember…even when I had a day job, I worked Friday nights. My Mondays are normally everyone else’s Fridays…and most things I want to do are closed. There is something really wrong with that…

    1. that is how it has gone for me pretty much too. Until it was a matter of choice whether to work or not and I chose to work , I think that is when I said what is the MATTER with me 🙂 Of course the work I had to do and the work I choose to do are so completely different but for most of my younger years, nights weekends and holidays were normal. My Friday falling on actual Wednesday used to be very disheartening.

      1. I refused to work on Tuesdays for the majority of my adult life. Lots of ladies’ nights on TUE and THU 🙂 Oh, and I normally took off February.

  5. I don’t ever want to go out anymore. I just want alone time. Pathetic…

    Anyway Lizzie, I hope you are doing okay. It seems like it has been quiet in blog land lately too. Just try to have some fun when you can, and if you ever feel like escaping for a weekend or something…well, you know… 😉

    1. not pathetic. Is it? no I think its just normal… It has been quiet and I thought no one was writing much but I hve been enlightened tonight and am actually posting about it in a bit… I feel like escaping everyday.. sigh

    1. hahahaha I am a home body .. but its more about any time I am out of the house, for more then say… a few hours.. and yea in my search for that elusive thing.. I would go out and then just wish I was home.. once I got it ,.. I got it., 🙂

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