I got tag…TEAMED! (sounds fun I know) ;-)

The Best of Tag Team
didn't see it coming by gosh

All right so here is what we are doing – playing tag and how flipping fun except I am on overwhelm cause I got tag teamed.  It was a MFF combo…uh anyways I think I will combine them cause I can answer 33 questions but I can’t think up 33  – well I could but um it could be pret-ty bad there at the end, and of course then I only have to tag ….that part doesn’t bother me.  I ROCK at tag and I’ll get you all my pretty’s!!

(Oh Please please save me !?       🙄   )  

And it gets even better because I was tagged last week – or maybe it was last month?  Well now we know WHY I got it good!  Karma or something.   Anyways Linda Vernon tagged me and first I didn’t see it cause she was in my Spam email (why I do not know) and then El Guapo helped us fix the problem but I had already missed the tag so I was gonna do it and then I just got….mixed up.  But her tag rules are different so I am gonna do what I gotta do here try to cover that game too and ready set GO!

Here are The Rules.

  1. You must post the rules.
  2. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
  3. Tag eleven people and link to them on your post.
  4. Let them know you’ve tagged them
First from Amor –    🙂
  1. What do you think happens when you die?
    You start to smell pretty quick.  
  2. Creation vs Evolution?
    creative evolution
  3. Will there ever be an end to suffering?
    not an end but we could hope for a slow down if whiners quit complaining about the small stuff
  4. Do you believe in global warming?
  5. What would be your dream job?
    doing what I do now except with no deadlines
  6. What’s your ideal vacation spot?
    the beach 
  7. Are you content with the choices you made in your life?
  8. If you knew you’re going to die tomorrow, what would you do?
    stay up all night 
  9. Are you adventurous?
    yes and no 
  10. Have you ever tried yoga or meditation?
    yes – yoga is great very relaxing and downward facing dog is a good position to meditate about where they got the names for these positions.  I don’t brag about them.  I can’t meditate though cause I can’t think that slow or focused
  11. Whats the best meal you’ve ever had – Dinty Moore Beef Stew while camping.  No really it is pure yumminess when you have been stuck in a tent in the rain eating sandwiches for three days.  And worried about bears and whether they are gonna steal the Charmin. 
Next the lovely LaFemmeRoar 🙂 
1. If your privates itched in public would you scratch or suffer?
uhh..scratch. I’m beyond really giving a shit. 
2. What’s your favorite meal of the day?
any meal that has pancakes, french toast, eggs, sausage, biscuits,  cream of wheat,  coffee and the word breakfast. Yum!
3. What’s your idea of a perfect day?
any day that starts with 2 cups of coffee with LOTS of cream and sugar 
4. Describe yourself in three words.
cracked, glittery, ass    
5. If you could have three wishes come true, what would they be?
that wishes came true,  that money didn’t matter, and that I could fly
6. What kind of books do you read?
all kinds – fiction, mystery, historical, biography, poetry, self-help, spiritual etc and on and on 
7. What’s your definition of love?
love is this and that   love is the feeling everyone wants but most are afraid of,
it is the great equalizer knowing no boundaries or status.  Love is all things to all people and nothing to some.  Love not tended is fear…  fear conquered is love. 
8. What is your philosophy about life?
it happens.  watch it or live it.   but always laugh with it. 
9. Exercise or diet? (You can only choose one.)
exercise – specially after THAT meal.  I love food too much and exercise is actually therapeutic for my issues.  True Story.
10. Tell us about the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you.
I went to work naked – no wait that was a dream.  When I went into labor with 11 yo and went to the labor and delivery and Nurse Rachet checked me and holding her hand up and snapping the stupid glove announced quite loudly “Oh honey you aren’t pregnant you just have to poo!”   Then asked my husband who was trying hard not to laugh if he would like to accompany me to a room for an en…..en…ene…don’t ever EVER say that word to me….. just saying
11. What would you do if a “flasher” came up to you and exposed himself?
give him an honest assessment. Or say oh yeah?  Well look at THIS!!!!!  and flash him back   Huh… That’s a tough one. Id try not to laugh for sure.  but i probably wouldn’t succeed in any seriousness.  
And now there is Teri from The Narcissist Blog...thank you for your lovely questions – we can always count on you to be subtle  😉

If the person you were dating asked you how many partners you have had would you answer the question?  Depends Why.

  1. Penises are… strange
  2. Vaginas are…  funny
  3. What is the weirdest request you have ever gotten from a person you were dating?  to throw him to the ground and piss on hm chanting house on fire house on fire!   🙄  Tuna salad sandwich – no mayo
  4. List three qualities a person of the opposite sex have to possess for you to consider a relationship?  funny, manly hands, open and kind
  5. What are your three biggest turn-offs?  bigots, abusiveness, constant reminders of how great the equipment is (he thinks)  
  6. What is the single sexiest physical attribute someone can possess? those laugh wrinkles around the eyes
  7. If you could only choose one… Great Sex or Great Oral Sex? – Great Sex
  8. What is the worst pick up line you have ever heard?  Is that a monkey in your pocket or are you happy to see me? 
  9. Have you ever gone home with someone you just met?  what do you mean by ‘gone home’?  I will say yes but with stipulations….
  10. How do you feel about cat calls? – in my 40’s? the more the merrier! 
  11. Top or bottom? (Chose one) – I’m bipolar I don’t have to choose. 

My Questions:

1. What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
2. How do you feel hearing everyone has a water buffalo… And you realize you don’t (if you DO have a water buffalo, skip this question and answer the bonus I have a water buffalo question)
3. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
4. Who is you favorite super hero?
5. IF I had the power to confuse you as my super power, what would you think about frogs?
6. Which is more fun… pulling teeth or tea in China? NO wait..I think I got mixed up…

6. What does that have to do with the price of tea in china ?
7. How old are you mentally ?
8.  If you could go back to any age what age would you choose?
9.  If life gave you lemons and tequila was unavailable what would you do with them?
10 How much wood can a woodchuck chuck.
11.  How do you get rid of those pesky woodchucks anyhow?

Bonus I already have a water buffalo question:
are you happy with your water buffalo or would you prefer a Cebu?

And FINALLY these people are TAGGED – let’s be clear I don’t give a monkey’s BUTT if you already have been tagged I did it – so can you (but really i am just in a hurry and can’t look right now so just go with it ok?

Oh my GAWD Just DO What I say!
The World behind Nicole Colored Glasses
Lauren’s Crazy Journey
El Guapo
Linda Vernon– no wait – you tagged me first,….ok your free to go unless you wish to go another round but no tag backs  😉
The Future of Hope
Break it Down Pete
Edward Hotspur
Eric Murtagh
Lady With A Truck
Xanax or Running Shoes

The Conservative Hillbilly
Bipolar Muse
As The Pendulaum Swings
The Urban Misanthropist
Subtle Kate
Love your Movies
Cardinal Guzman
Clown Ponders
Gillian Colbert

Huh?  What?  Oh ok well then that’s all for now – TAG!

Lizzie Cracked (not broken)  and worn the hell out from getting tagged phew!

41 thoughts on “I got tag…TEAMED! (sounds fun I know) ;-)

    1. oh yay I was making the rounds to let the lucky ones know – now I can consider you informed right? I;ll still come to visit just – oh what the heck I will do it properly I don’t; want to have Karma on me again…. Very becoming on you 🙂

    1. awwwww thanks 🙂 I wanted to tag you back but I didn’t think that would be fair lol….plus it could just open up all kinds of worm cans for me getting tagged over and over huh? boy i was struggling getting to the end of this post lol

    1. the secret is to do it fast – course I got tagged three times in 10 minutes so maybe that isn;t the secret soooo..it’s not as bad as it looks lol – just the bottom 11 questions and a few links 😀 oh and 11 of your own well thought out questions – as you can see mine were carefully crafted….. what? they were 🙂

      1. ummm ok that works fine . The only thing is – and this I did learn for real – if you wait too long then post it it starts it back up again Run Away! 🙂 I am (almost ) always gentle….

  1. What is the weirdest request you have ever gotten from a person you were dating? to throw him to the ground and piss on hm chanting house on fire house on fire!”

    One world … SERIOUSLY 🙄 😆

    1. no..I mean yes but it wasn’t a serious request..it’s from the Sprokets on SNL –
      at least I think he wasn’t serious…wow wonder if that’s why he got mad when I laughed! that explains A LOT! 😉

  2. Just when we think all has been revealed, lizziec astounds with even more amazing coolness.
    Great answers, great questions!

    Thanks, lizziec. I will try to respond to this one
    (even though I say that every time you pass one of these on to me)
    (but I do mean to)
    (I just…forget…)

    1. and I of all people…do not ever hold that against you ever. .look at as a game …cause um well that;s what it is… 🙂 If ya do ya do and if ya don;t you will probably get dogpiled but I know you meant to and its good enough for me – but this thing is like a chain letter – Linda tagged me and I didn;t ignore it but damn – you woulda thunk huh?

      Oh and I have layers like an onion – I think that’s what Amor and I decided – but I am not an ogre… 🙂

      1. The ones from the guy who replied to himself?
        Saw that. Also saw your comments on RC (nee Amors Thoughts) and figured if you weren’t bothered, I’d only be mildly concerned on your behalf.

        Everything cool?

  3. 1. What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
    As fast as it wants to go GESH!
    2. How do you feel hearing everyone has a water buffalo… And you realize you don’t (if you DO have a water buffalo, skip this question and answer the bonus I have a water buffalo question)
    Good for them for having a huge pain in the ass!
    3. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
    Mighty Mouse
    4. Who is you favorite super hero?
    5. IF I had the power to confuse you as my super power, what would you think about frogs?
    Make them itches RAIN!!!!
    6. Which is more fun… pulling teeth or tea in China? NO wait..I think I got mixed up…
    6. What does that have to do with the price of tea in china ?
    Two sixes does not equal the answer.
    7. How old are you mentally ?
    Way too old for this shit.
    8. If you could go back to any age what age would you choose?
    Nope don’t make me do it. EVILLLLL
    9. If life gave you lemons and tequila was unavailable what would you do with them?
    Stuff my bra!
    10 How much wood can a woodchuck chuck.
    As about as much wood as a wood chuck chucks if a wood chuck could chuck wood. Unless he has worms.
    11. How do you get rid of those pesky woodchucks anyhow?
    See the last half of number ten.

  4. […] LizzieCrackecd (not broken) 1. What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? African or European? 2. How do you feel hearing everyone has a water buffalo… And you realize you don’t (if you DO have a water buffalo, skip this question and answer the bonus I have a water buffalo question) Guapanese doesn’t need to accessorize himself like everyone else. Just because the cool kids have a water buffalo doesn’t mean GuapAndRoll needs a water buffalo. He knows Timmy in the fourth grade said he had to have a water buffalo if he wanted to be cool, but Timmy’s an idiot. Even if he does have a signed Tito Puente lunchbox. (Wap-Bop-Guapoloobop wants a water buffalo!) 3. Who is your favorite cartoon character? Pinky. NARF!!! 4. Who is you favorite super hero? The Most Wonderful Girl In The Universe. And you, lizziec – the most awesome Naked Scissor runner ever. 5. IF I had the power to confuse you as my super power, what would you think about frogs? El Guapo thinks fro- Wait a minute – TheGuap sees what you did there. He thinks… 6. Which is more fun… pulling teeth or tea in China? NO wait..I think I got mixed up… Guapola likes pulling tea off of teeth in China. 6. What does that have to do with the price of tea in china ? El Guapo doesn’t know. Does anyone ever expect the Spanish Inquisition? 7. How old are you mentally ? No idea – it’s hard to do math with the alphabet blocks. Though El Guapo thinks he just answered your question. 8. If you could go back to any age what age would you choose? The age of enlightenment. Or the age of Beets. Whatever… 9. If life gave you lemons and tequila was unavailable what would you do with them? The Guap would wait for the first person who said “Make lemonade!”. Then he would squirt lemon juice in their eye. 10 How much wood can a woodchuck chuck. Sadly, they only chuck when GuapperWithCheese is trying to sleep, so he has not been able to count. 11. How do you get rid of those pesky woodchucks anyhow? Guapunzel hopes you don’t think he’s overreacting, but he likes nuclear weapons for that job. What? Bonus I already have a water buffalo question: are you happy with your water buffalo or would you prefer a Cebu? HEY YEAH! Guaparoo will get a cebu! That’ll show Timmy!!! […]

  5. Lizzie! You’re answers are great. You crack AND you rock!!

    Love your questions: (rubbing my hands together) here goes:

    What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
    Hmmm . . . well, since math and I have been divorced since 5th grade I’ll have to turn that over to 37. Warning . . . he may use up all your cyberspace answering it though.

    Watebuffalo? I have an iwaterbuffalo. Does that count?

    Favorite Cartoon Character? Bullwinkle followed closely by Baby Huey

    Favorite Super Heor? Superman

    What would I think about frogs if I was confused? Yes.

    Pull teeth or tea in China? Frogs (I think I’m still under the influence of your superpower!)

    How old am I mentally? Ten or possibly six.

    I’d like to go back to being 30. (in my heart, I still am 30, in my head I’m still only ten or possibly six.)

    I would tell life to find me some salt. While it was gone looking for the salt, I’d drink all the tequilla and then flush all the lemons down life’s toilet and then pretend like nothing happened when it came back.

    How much wood could a wooochuck chuck? Sounds like another question for 37, I’ll save it for when he retires. It will give him something to do.

    To get rid of woodchucks. Call 37 to explain to them (in a classroom setting) just how much wood they could potentially chuck and why — starting with Pathagoras working slowly up to present day not leaving out even the tiniest of details.

    1. hahahaha you always have me smiling and laughing. 🙂 thanks for doing this! your answers are … perfectly Linda! FLush the lemons down the toilet of life and pretend like nothing happened.. ohhh my yes we would be dangerous together – PERFECT!! thanks I am smiling ear to ear..

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